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Hypnotherapy treatment for post natal depression

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” - Marcus Aurelius


Being a parent should be the most rewarding and joyous role of your lifetime. Unfortunately around 1 in 7 new mothers and 1 in 20 new fathers will experience the symptoms of postpartum anxiety or depression in the year after the birth of their child.

Symptoms of post natal depression & anxiety can include fatigue and exhaustion, and poor sleep, feeling of lack of control, heightened perfectionism, panic attacks, feelings of worthlessness, guilt, helplessness or hopelessness, loss of appetite, mood swings, inability to experience pleasure, increase in anger, feelings of loss of identity, obsessive rumination.

Hypnotherapy can be extremely successful in the treatment of post natal anxiety & depression by supporting you gain back control (and let go of excessive control), eliminate psychological factors including perfectionism, gain a positive outlook, find comfort in the uncertain space and reclaim your identity as a new parent.

"I had just had my first baby and my world was spinning - I hadn't realised it was post natal anxiety at the time. I did a couple sessions with Bec and she gave me a recording of our session to take home. It worked so well. Now I'm able to be fully present for my baby, and enjoy all of her quirks and curious nature without obsessively worrying all the time." - JD

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