
Hypnotherapy treatment for children & teenagers

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” - Marcus Aurelius


We often think that mental well-being is a purely adult conversation however, now more than ever, teenagers and even young children are feeling the effects of our fast paced, high expectation, always connected society.If your child or teenager is experiencing anxiety, social anxiety, exam stress, social relationship challenges, anxiety relating to social media, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, change in identity, poor coping strategies or any other mental well-being challenges, then hypnotherapy is an excellent tool to create positive change.

Hypnotherapy supports children and teenagers to effectively manage their thoughts and feelings allowing them to feel back in control. Hypnotherapy also provides young people with the tools to manage complexities of this high growth, high change phase of life.

Hypnotherapy is incredibly successful in treating young people as they typically have a well-developed and active imagination. Young people are able to easily respond to suggestion, visualisations, metaphors and other simple toolsTo find out more about the fantastic impact that hypnotherapy can have on improving the well-being of your young person and to learn how we work together in this process, please call for a chat or book in for a free 30 minute consultation.

"The debrief was nothing short of amazing. It has already offered some great insight into what's really going on. You are the first person he has seen that has made any sense to me. By that, I mean that you have given us a real snapshot of where he is at."
"Up until now, I have been frustrated because all of the "talking" that has been happening between him and his counsellors which has not led to any change and without either a real process or direction. To say we are happy after the first session is an understatement." - parent of client

National Police Check Number: 1563433
Working With Children Number: WWC1661074V


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